How to Clone Your Top Sales Performers
I’m serious – How do you clone your Top Sales Performers? Since the beginning of time, coaching has been a word used to describe leveling up players whether in sports, business, or any other activity, coaches aim to optimize the performance of humans by observing their performance and suggesting changes. In sales coaching, this is…
What are Sales Call Frameworks & Why Are They Used?
Another example of a framework is one that is less structured around the call flow and more on how to answer a specific question. For example, when asked about a competitor I have often said “Competitor X does great at _______, and if you asked them they would say we are small, don’t do custom…
Why Abstrakt?
Add to that the pivots many of us are having to make to get through this unprecedented time of our lives. I am often asked “Why Abstrakt”? Spring…Fresh Starts I remember feeling like it was just yesterday; it was a beautiful sunny Spring day and my first day as a Sales Development Representative. Filled with…
Overcoming Sales Objections
It’s called the pattern interrupt! It is usually around the time when the cars are being packed, or family is sitting down for a holiday meal that I start to get the strange looks and questions as I step away to make a call, or resend a contract. “Why are you still working?” usually seems…
Sales Process for Funnel vs Micro Processes on Steps
Hindsight is 20/20, and coaching on calls in arrears is not immediately effective. There is a strong reason for ramp-times that are built into compensation plans for sales representatives. That is one more reason for sales leaders to have repeatable processes within their sales process in order to get new reps up to speed. Making…
Sales Techniques for Sales Success
Mix in a sprinkle of some sound Sales Coaching and Sales Technology and boom, quota crusher! Looking back, that interview I had to land my first role as a Sales Representative taught me more about myself in 3 minutes, than 5 years of college ever did. It taught me to have confidence in myself, control…
Sales Call Analytics: Coaching in Real-Time
Speaking too much is something that salespeople find out after the call, and that is if you are even analyzing your sales calls (you should be…). But coaching after the call amounts to little more than “get ‘em next time, Tiger”. Being able to ask the right questions is key to having a lower talk…
Building World-Class Sales Reps Using Real-Time Call Intelligence
live sales coaching and truly live sales enablement is a must. Without either, you are wasting opportunities or at a minimum not giving them the same chance of success as your hard-earned leads. If given the opportunity, your salespeople will accelerate more quickly and “power up” in fewer repetitions of sales cycles with proven groundwork to…
Does conversational intelligence software actually improve revenue?
In a recent podcast I did with Richard Harris, he used the phrase “stop accelerating the suck.” This was in reference to the automation technologies being deployed by SDR teams around the world to drive more meetings into the pipeline. He was referencing the fact that organizations are placing so much emphasis on driving more…
Outbound Cold Calling with Hunters and Farmers
If your entire sales organization is not using all the available tools that they have at their disposal to both create leads by hunting and close them when the deal matters most. You are wasting company resources, and you are likely not meeting your own personal goals. When a manager you go begins to train…
Breaking Pareto’s Law with Real-time Conversational Coaching
As a new Sales Development Representative, entering an organization, have you ever looked around and wondered why the top reps always seem to win, and the reps at the bottom are always at the bottom? Here at ABSTRAKT, we believe sales is a skill, it can be learned. Putting aside personality characteristics or level of…
Assess Your Skills for Sales Management
From sales management, all the way down to the sales representatives, techniques in sales coaching have changed for the better…. I think the hardest lesson I learned stepping into sales management was that what worked to get me to quota, isn’t going to work for everyone else… it likely won’t.