Maintaining Culture in a Remote Environment
With over 3750 employees across 120 countries, being able to talk with employee #6 at Hubspot is kind of a big deal! With us today is Dan Tyre, local start up legend in the Phoenix area joining us on Abstrakt’s podcast today. In a world where remote work is here to stay, Hubspot has done…
Has COVID Changed the Landscape of Sales Recruiting?
Goldfinger, Sean Connery, being thoughtful in your job search and the future of remote Enterprise sales. Please listen to our podcast as Abstrakt hosts Amy Volas, CEO and Founder of Avenue Talent Partners to discuss the future of remote Enterprise sales. Some of our biggest takeaways were 1.) Flexibility – top sales reps are in…
How to Teach Reps to Manage Complex Sales While Remote
Alice Heiman started her career in teaching (which we learned on another episode of our podcast is a great background for Sales), and then went to work at the Miller Heiman Group, the company her father co-founded. A career in sales had never been on her mind but she came to be one of the…