Stacking the Cards in your favor
Signing up for a career in sales is essentially agreeing to a career where you lose far more often than you win. Become an Enterprise level closer, and you should be winning thirty-percent of the time. Either way, you are losing more than you win. So the question becomes, “how do I stack the cards…
Nailing down the right Talk Tracks
Talk tracks and frameworks are not scripts. Modern call coaching technology uses frameworks or talk tracks to get salespeople saying the right things, in the right order, at the right time. They are not exactly …..
Tips and Strategies to nail your new SDR Compensation
Somewhere, someone (probably a marketer), knows exactly what the cost of a qualified lead is. The question is, if we get Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs), what are the chances of converting them to Sales Qualified Leads (SQLs) and then on into being customers? If your marketing team is bringing in 50 MQLs a month, how…
Last Mile of Account-Based Marketing
With Abstrakt’s real-time, in-call coaching software, the content, messaging and relevant pain points around which effective Account Based Marketing campaigns are built, can be extended into the initial 1:1 SDR conversation with the prospect, ensuring better alignment between sales and marketing.
Sales Call Analytics: Coaching in Real-Time
Speaking too much is something that salespeople find out after the call, and that is if you are even analyzing your sales calls (you should be…). But coaching after the call amounts to little more than “get ‘em next time, Tiger”. Being able to ask the right questions is key to having a lower talk…
Breaking Pareto’s Law with Real-time Conversational Coaching
As a new Sales Development Representative, entering an organization, have you ever looked around and wondered why the top reps always seem to win, and the reps at the bottom are always at the bottom? Here at ABSTRAKT, we believe sales is a skill, it can be learned. Putting aside personality characteristics or level of…