Top 4 Level AI Alternatives

level ai alternatives

Level AI

Level AI was founded in 2019 and has been a main player in the real-time agent assist and automated QA market. 

With a focus on sales and compliance, Level AI has adapted to the AI boom and is now offering AgentGPT and Generative AI insights.

While AI is a hot topic right now, it’s important to make sure your solution outweighs the risks that come with AI. 

Side note: Check out this risk assessment when evaluating vendors.

Let’s jump in and see our top recommendations for Level AI alternatives.

Additionally, It might not be a bad idea to check out customer reviews on G2 as well.

Level AI Alternatives


There is absolutely a need in the call center industry for agent assist and automated QA technology. 

If you’re checking out Level AI, then you should do yourself a favor and also book a demo with us at Abstrakt.

We’re confident our technology and capabilities easily stack up, if not overpower, what Level AI can do. The biggest difference between Level AI and Abstrakt is the time spent developing our real-time technology and our ability to be configurable.

At Abstrakt, we’ve been focused on real-time since our inception in 2020. The automated QA, automated sentiment analysis, and call summary are all new features that have come from our real-time agent assist platform.

If you’re looking for a Level AI alternative that not only has real-time agent assist but as well as automated capabilities for supervisors, you won’t be disappointed with Abstrakt.


Balto’s journey started before Level AI, but both focus on revolutionizing call center technology.

Scripting and post-call analysis have been around for a while, both something that Balto and Level AI offer. What differentiates Balto is how the technology is built.

Additionally, Balto does offer a “live listen” portion where supervisors can listen to live conversations of their agents, but from what we can tell Level AI does not.

Both offer the option for agents to give feedback on the system, which can complicate things quickly. It’s important to ask the right questions during the sales process. We’re happy to provide additional questions you should ask, just send us a message 🙂


Cresta was founded in 2017, similarly to Balto, but has made significant strides since then. When looking at Level AI alternatives, Cresta definitely offers a more advanced solution.

Their real-time technology is utilized across calls and chat, but focuses on more enterprise-level customers. 

One negative with Cresta is you’ll be paying a premium.

Most companies will use the software to its fullest potential for a few months, then revert back to the same processes. It’s important to keep this in mind before moving forward with a tool like Cresta.

At Abstrakt, like to approach implementation in a walk, job, run approach to ensure you get your money’s worth! However, you’ll get full control to decide what’s best for your team.


Another competitor that is compared to Level AI is Observe.AI. While both companies focus on similar capabilities, their architecture is very different (based on what is publicly available).

Observe generally has an advantage when it comes to reporting as they have always offered extensive reporting capabilities.

In the past year, Observe launched its real-time technology, whereas before that they were focused mostly on post-call analytics. 

Let’s wrap it up

The landscape for AI technology for call centers is changing at an unbelievable rate. While we wish we could give you every detail on the Level AI alternatives, the best bet is to demo your top options. Then ensure you’re asking the right questions when deciding on a vendor.

Exploring Level AI alternatives unveils a spectrum of options tailored to diverse needs. Abstrakt boasts a rich history of real-time technology and configurable solutions, while Balto’s emphasis on live listening sets it apart. Cresta targets enterprise-level clients with its advanced offerings, albeit at a premium. Meanwhile, Observe.AI’s robust reporting capabilities make it a compelling contender.

As companies like yours seek to optimize their call center operations with AI, carefully considering these alternatives ensures a tailored fit for their unique requirements and objectives.