Abstrakt + TCN Integration

Abstrakt’s real-time call guidance improves agent efficiency and effectiveness on every call.

Paired with TCN, a suite of call center solutions, agents are ready on day one.

Seamlessly integrate Abstrakt with the TCN today!


Close The Gap Between Insight & Implementation

Abstrakt uses automated playbooks & real-time recommended responses to ensure your agents always say the right thing on all calls initiated through the TCN. 

Help your agents execute live on the call to drive better conversations which will improve CSAT scores and decrease the ramp time of new agents.

tcn integration

Great call center experiences start with TCN

Rethink your entire contact center and customize it to be exactly what you need.

TCN elevates both agent and customer experiences through a whole suite of call center solutions – making it easy to automate tasks, collect more and delight customers.

Help your team handle more calls in less time with Abstrakt’s real-time recommended responses to ensure they always know the right thing to say. Transcripts & scorecards are automatically uploaded to remove manual work.

The perfect call can exist with real-time call guidance software.

Abstrakt’s real-time software guides agents so that they can resolve questions or objections quickly while meeting any compliance standards.

Give your agents the tool they need to succeed.

See what’s working and not working in REAL-TIME. Get AI-backed insights on how to onboard reps faster, what words/phrases book the most meetings, and what your prospects are asking for. Call outcomes are automatically tied into Abstrakt from the TCN.

Drive change with confidence from day one.

reporting dashboard

How Johnson & Johnson Achieved a 38% Decrease in Call Handle Time

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Why Blue Signal started investing in their Future with Abstrakt

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Plate IQ has decreased ramp time of new reps by 67% using Abstrakt

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There’s literally no downside to this.