How to Run a Sales Call Utilizing Sales Call Intelligence
Some of the top sales call intelligence software companies today are adding components of AI and advanced analytics to speed the process of learning. But, some of the most advanced companies are actually prompting reps with structure in real-time. Spoil alert, one of those companies is Abstrakt. Here are three best practices when it comes…
The Takeaway
They’ve done studies you know, 60% of the time, it works every time! Actually, when sales leaders review calls and demos in their real-time call coaching platform, they find that the takeaway actually works closer to 100% of the time. When tools like Abstrakt are deployed, and recognize objections or pick up decent, recommended responses…
A Conversation Intelligence Platform is only ⅓ of the Conversational Intelligence Puzzle
Just like real life, it probably won’t always go to plan, so we have contingency plans pop up when something goes sideways. For example, we were not planning on a competitor coming up, but when it happens, there are immediate sales call frameworks with helpful bullets on how to handle the call. Because of this,…
Act Bigger Than You Are
Don’t be afraid to be yourself, don’t be intimidated by those around you, act like you already have made it, dress for the job you want, not the one you have; the list could go on and on. This brief moment in time captures a lot of different meanings, similar to how call intelligence platforms…
Why your reps do not apply their sales training
The number one problem with any sales training is that we spend a great deal of time practicing, training, and honing our skills… but managers don’t always follow through on making sure the training is being applied. One reason is that there is not an unlimited amount of time in the day, but the other…
Why your reps don’t need cold calling scripts
Your reps don’t need cold calling scripts, your reps need call frameworks. Have you ever heard someone jump for joy when you say “here is a script” or worse, have you ever heard someone scripted and said, “Wow, now I really feel a connection to this rep”? Odds are you have not. So I would…
ValueSelling is not just about Sales
Companies are made up of many departments all working together with one central goal. How does valueselling apply to departments like Product Management, Sales Engineering, Channel? Where do things like titles come into play when building persona-based prompts such as playbooks and sales call frameworks?
Top 9 Sales Books
It is often said that a book is the best way to enter the mind of someone who has spent more time researching and studying a particular field than you will ever have. This is because a book will provide you with information on the subject without any personal opinion or preference on the matter,…
Why Introverts Make the Best Sales Reps
Organizations that look to scale, should start to see the power of introverts in a sales culture because many introverted traits can be found in some of the most successful sales reps. One trait that is especially powerful is listening, which can help create rapport with clients. Another key trait is being able to synthesize…
5 Signs to Help You Hire The Right SDR
You probably already know that the SDR position is one of the highest churn positions in the sales industry… not that any position in sales is super great for retention. And that is understandable. It’s a tough position that requires a lot of sacrifices and hard work. But that said, when hiring the right SDR…
Don’t Trash Your Competition
Leveraging real time call coaching software, as opposed to traditional conversational intelligence platform systems, helps provide sales representatives with talk tracks that make them seem like they are a pro and ready, on day one!
Why You Should Design a Calling Structure Using Call Frameworks
Incrementally, in B2B and sometimes even B2C sales, there is a need to have multiple calls, get multiple people on the call at once, ext. Closing out the call starts at the beginning of the call – you need to know what the end of the call looks like. If it’s a technical call to…