First Contact Resolution with Amas Tenumah
Our special guest is Amas Tenumah – Author, Consultant, and Co-Host of The Contact Center Show. We’re talking all about FCR (First Contact Resolution). Yes, we are expanding beyond calls and touching on how important FCR is across all channels. First Contact Resolution (FCR), also known as First Call Resolution, measures a contact center’s ability to…
What Problems Is AI Solving in Call Centers
Artificial intelligence is used to automate and enhance various aspects of customer interactions and support services in call centers. There are a variety of different options when it comes to AI usage in a call center. And even more! AI is all around us and some may not even realize how much it is being…
Net Promoter Score with John Walter
Our very first episode features John Walter, COO at ZMAXINC and host of the CX, AI, and Outsourcing Podcast. We dive into Net Promoter Score and how this KPI can give companies the insight they need to improve the overall customer journey. If you could only do one thing to improve NPS, John recommends investing…
5 Things to STOP Doing to Improve First Contact Resolution
Every company measures first contact resolution (FCR) differently. It doesn’t matter how wrongly you’re measuring FCR, the most important thing is to continue measuring it the same way to track improvements (or declines) in your team’s efforts. If you focus your energy on improving processes, goals, and your people – the metrics will follow. If…
Training and Coaching Your Contact Center Supervisors
One of the most important parts of a successful contact center is the leadership team. Training and coaching your contact center supervisors are just as important as the agents. Experts are constantly listing ways to help agents improve their performance, but supervisors are often forgotten about when it comes to creating a successful team. Education…
Career Growth: From BDR to AE
The career path in SaaS sales is generally BDR to AE to Manager and/or Director of Sales to CRO (if your desire is to get that high in a sales org). Like any other career path, there are steps and milestones for each along the way. Today, we’re going to focus on the first two…
8 1/2 Secrets to Solidify Customer Loyalty
Misconceptions around NPS & CSAT and breakdowns of specific customer loyalty winning secrets … This should be a no-brainer. We won’t spend much time on it. Companies with a superior experience bring in almost 6 times more revenue than their competitors that don’t prioritize it. Sounds great, where do I start? We go over that…
Top 3 Observe AI Alternatives
If you haven’t noticed AI is taking over the conversation when it comes to evaluating your tech stack. Whether you currently use Observe AI or are in the initial evaluation stages of adding new software, we’ve put together a breakdown of the top Observe AI alternatives. Keep in mind that new AI call guidance companies…
The Downside to Yerkes-Dodson and Parkinson’s Law in Call Coaching
Today we’re going to dive into the explanation of procrastination when it comes to call coaching and other tasks that shouldn’t take long but end up costing us hours each week. Have you heard of Parkinson’s law? If not… this is essentially what it is: If you have ever been given a deadline, and waited…
The ROI of B2B Data: How to Measure the Value of Your Investment
With the vast amount of data available today, it’s no longer about having access to data, but rather about being able to effectively measure the value it brings to your business. Understanding the return on investment (ROI) of your B2B data is essential to making informed decisions about how to allocate your marketing budget. In…
The Struggles Behind Call Center Compliance
Call center compliance is something that is often talked about, but commonly misunderstood. Most people on the phones can’t fathom a lawsuit happening from something they said – especially agents who are on the phone most of the day. They are following protocols and scripts to help them stay in compliance. But call center compliance…
Building A Repeatable Call QA Process
Creating a solid QA framework has three parts: To start, we always suggest that you answer these four questions: Standardization of processes Automation Ensure all channels are being monitored Let agents dispute bad scores QA software should work for you, not against you