Call Scorecards and QA: Why they should never be fully automated

With Abstrakt, we originally thought that it should fully automate call scorecards, quality assurance, and call reviews.

With the evolution of technology (especially in 2023), automation is all around us.

We are partially right. 

Let’s explain why.

Automation has a place, but also why we believe there will always be a human element – at least for the foreseeable future.

“The global automation as a service market is expected to grow from $4.15 billion in 2021 to $5.25 billion in 2022 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 26.58%. The automation as a service market is expected to reach $14.31 billion in 2026 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 28.50%.”

Source: GlobeNewswire

Call Scorecards & Automation Today

When building Abstrakt, our original thought process was that by applying math to every conversation, we could tell the whole story behind a call, without ever listening to a single word or reading the transcript.

There are quite a few companies in every industry that still don’t have software in place to help with automating those mundane tasks. Call reporting software isn’t a new thing. 

But this shows how slow adoption can be across industries.

B2B tends to adopt trends and software faster.

Call Centers tend to be on the slower end. 

With that being said, there is still quite a bit of human interaction when it comes to call scorecards. Only recently have people been adopting technology to help automate that and quality assurance within the call itself. 

The struggles remain with how much to automate versus human interaction.

Tone, Pitch & Accent

What call reporting software doesn’t account for is that everyone is different when they read talk tracks or scripts. And we should arguably be slightly different, that’s what makes us human.

How James in South Dakota says “how may I help you?” after a full night’s sleep, will likely sound extremely different than how Miranda in Louisiana says “How may I help you?” after being up all night with her newborn daughter. 

Accent, tone, pitch, body, and facial language are all components of communication and aside from the words being used, are next to impossible to label with a math equation. 

Technology is not even close to being able to create this human-driven experience. 

From time to time we get asked if Abstrakt can measure tone, and the answer could be yes, but we always follow that up with examples like the one just outlined. At this point, our customers quickly realize how wrong automating every aspect of interaction could be. 

Automation & Call Scorecards

Certain aspects of call scorecards and quality assurance absolutely can be automated, but those things should be objective in nature. 

You either did or you didn’t. 

The components that can’t be automated are “yes, you did it, but…”

Technology absolutely should be used to automate tasks like scoring calls, running playbooks through compliance checks, etc. 

Humans should be focused on reviewing the data, finding anomalies, call reviews with their team, etc.

Only when the day comes when technology can understand and comprehend the massive amounts of variables associated with human communication, organizations should plan to leverage technology to highlight areas of inspection, but only partially rely upon them. 

Examples of Tech That You Can Implement

Real-Time Transcription: Software that can transcribe calls while your team live on a call that is readily available. You’ll want to stick with a Google-based Natural Language Processing software as it has the highest transcription accuracy around 96% or higher.

Real-Time Quality Assurance: You can create parameters of what exactly needs to be asked on a call, per team. This way you can get notified immediately when a call falls out of compliance. 

Call Scorecard Automation: Understand exactly what your team is doing on every call as each one can be scored. You will be able to see trends and understand overall how your team is doing on the phone.

In conclusion, call scorecards and quality assurance should be automated. However, for the foreseeable future humans will always be needed to ensure quality. 

If you’re looking for software that can do all of those things mentioned, check out our real-time call coaching software. It will easily automate manual tasks to give you more time to focus on what’s working to replicate the best-performing calls.
