What QA Doesn’t Evaluate on Calls
But we have data on what ACTUALLY matters and what your current QA solution isn’t evaluating. It may surprise you! Here is an example of a Financial Services customer. It proves that the “lowest” or “highest” KPIs aren’t always the best. P.S. Sandi is the best performing agent for this customer. Financial Services Company This…
10-Point Checklist for Evaluating AI Quality Assurance Software
Hearing all about AI quality assurance software, but not sure where to start? You’re in the right place. When it comes to artificial intelligence (AI), there are many different options that companies can choose from. In the same way, there are plenty of standard quality assurance software options. Today we’re giving you a 10-point checklist…
Customer Satisfaction Score with John Hoyt
John Hoyt, Associate Director of Operations Training & Quality Assurance at Kin, joined us on the Contact Center KPI podcast for another stellar episode. This conversation was all about Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) scores. John’s biggest piece of advice – consistency. Leaders tend to be reactive. But consistency, goals, and having a game plan can make…
What Problems Is AI Solving in Call Centers
Artificial intelligence is used to automate and enhance various aspects of customer interactions and support services in call centers. There are a variety of different options when it comes to AI usage in a call center. And even more! AI is all around us and some may not even realize how much it is being…
5 Things to STOP Doing to Improve First Contact Resolution
Every company measures first contact resolution (FCR) differently. It doesn’t matter how wrongly you’re measuring FCR, the most important thing is to continue measuring it the same way to track improvements (or declines) in your team’s efforts. If you focus your energy on improving processes, goals, and your people – the metrics will follow. If…
Top 3 Observe AI Alternatives
If you haven’t noticed AI is taking over the conversation when it comes to evaluating your tech stack. Whether you currently use Observe AI or are in the initial evaluation stages of adding new software, we’ve put together a breakdown of the top Observe AI alternatives. Keep in mind that new AI call guidance companies…
The Struggles Behind Call Center Compliance
Call center compliance is something that is often talked about, but commonly misunderstood. Most people on the phones can’t fathom a lawsuit happening from something they said – especially agents who are on the phone most of the day. They are following protocols and scripts to help them stay in compliance. But call center compliance…
Building A Repeatable Call QA Process
Creating a solid QA framework has three parts: To start, we always suggest that you answer these four questions: Standardization of processes Automation Ensure all channels are being monitored Let agents dispute bad scores QA software should work for you, not against you
Outsourcing Contact Centers Q&A: Everything you need to know
Modern technology has made it easier than ever to outsource contact centers when companies are looking to offload costs. If you’re interested in potentially moving your contact center offshore, you’ll probably have a lot of questions you need answered before you feel confident doing so. At The Cattalyst, we’ve spent more than 20 years fielding…
Give Your Customer Service Team Your Attention (Plus QA Hacks)
Customer service is not a revenue-generating arm of most businesses. Therefore, the attention remains on cutting costs and becoming more efficient. Not necessarily giving customer service teams the resources or agents they need to be the most effective. However, customer service is a critical aspect of any business, as it helps to ensure customer satisfaction…
Call Scorecards and QA: Why they should never be fully automated
With the evolution of technology (especially in 2023), automation is all around us. We are partially right. Let’s explain why. Automation has a place, but also why we believe there will always be a human element – at least for the foreseeable future. “The global automation as a service market is expected to grow from…
Why You Should Be Automating Quality Assurance with AI
No matter what call center, insurance company, or financial services institution you’re a part of quality assurance is critical. But it’s also time-consuming and repetitive work. Let’s explore how AI can help automate QA and improve your team’s efficiency. Most people immediately jump to the conclusion that artificial intelligence (AI) is going to take over…