6 Benefits of Real-Time Call Coaching Software
We’re going to dive into 6 MAJOR benefits of how this software can make an immediate impact on your team. Oh yeah… and help you win more business. If you’re asking yourself, “How do I even know if my team needs real-time call coaching software”, it’s simple….
Don’t be a boiling frog
As a sales leader or sales rep at any company (but especially B2B software sales), living in the trenches everyday it becomes ….. This is because the pain of initiating change at that moment, outweighs the ….
One of the most common objections we face here at Abstrakt is something to the effect of “Wont my reps get annoyed by Abstrakt helping them?” We simply remind them of ….
2020 Called, They Want Their Sales Coaching Back
We don’t do sales coaching that way because it would mean that we left something to chance. Why take a chance when you know the answer is right there? Or in other words, why would we want to dive into …..
Future of AI in Sales
Michael Ocean, Co-Founder & CEO of Aurora AI discusses the future of AI in sales. It takes heart and determination to define a new path in software sales. We’ll say it – Real-time call coaching software is ….
Your Objections don’t work here
Abstrakt in place, it keeps the team consistent and then pulls them into a collaborative conversation around the “best” way to handle ….the company creates a sort of underground IP. AKA we call this the formula for amazing ….
A Faster Horse
Sales leaders should not be building dashboards to report on multi-threaded accounts. They should be deploying software that ensures accounts are …. This is where sales coaching software should …
Minding the Sales Enablement Gap
Every sales enablement or conversational intelligence software on the market today focuses its outcomes in two areas. One area is the …. From there, they are shown how to leverage the Sales Enablement platform filled.
Customer Retention 101
When it comes to customer retention, especially when looking at SaaS, it’s a no brainer when looking at the time it takes to acquire a new customer versus retaining an existing one….Now how do you make customer retention a priority?…
What Agent Coaching Software are you using?
Whether you manage a contact center or small team, call coaching software seems like it’s everywhere. How do you find the best agent coaching software that’s best for your team? You may have heard …
Selling Conversational Intelligence Software
Sales leaders often preach about things like having confidence, bringing “swagger” to the table and having a winners mindset. However, they often neglect the topics that are a bit “uncomfortable” to some when it comes to selling conversational intelligence solution. Things that everyone at the table is thinking about, but often are …
All is fair in love and war (and sales?)
The decision to bend or break the rules with the goal of quota attainment in mind is only one each of us can make for ourselves. Some reps are able to make things very black and white, win deals and succeed. Others tend to live in the gray area, deploying various tools like…..