Say Goodbye to Sales Slumps

Why sales slumps happen

Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night and asked yourself, “What am I doing wrong?” You start to dread the next few days at work as you just keep thinking about your failures. “Where do I even start”, you say as you’re thinking about how to swing yourself out of this sales slump.

Slumps not only happen in sales, they can happen with anything. One minute you’re hitting home runs and the next you can’t hit a ball to save your life. Where do you start? How do you prevent yourself from diving head-first into a slump or to even fathom climbing out of one? That’s where we come in. We have a few tips and tricks that our sales team came up with that have helped in the past… until we of course came up with the idea of Abstrakt, but we’ll touch on that further down, don’t worry!

Replicate your best days

What was your routine when you were closing every deal? Write out your schedule, from the first thing you did in the morning to the last thing you did at night. See if you can replicate that schedule or at least find the things that have changed that may have caused this decrease in your sales numbers.

Review your best lead sources, why did a certain source produce such valuable customers? Reach out to your fellow salespeople to have them help you as reviewing this information doesn’t happen often enough until your sales are starting to slide.

Focus on building relationships

If you can show the potential customer that they’re more than just a number and you focus on listening, that can help turn things around. Provide a solution to their problem – don’t just pitch them to close. If your immediate focus is on closing the deal, it won’t come off as sincere. Build the relationship first, close the deal second.

When was the last time you sent a potential customer something other than an email? Yes, something that they will remember – cookies, flowers, something specific they’ve told you in the past – like their love of the Green Bay Packers. This is generally out of the marketing budget, but small gestures like a cheese head for their desk or a Packers beanie will go a long way.

Stay focused

Find ways to put in the extra work. Listen to motivational podcasts, watch an inspirational story on YouTube, or even get your friends to give you a pep talk. Then it’s time to get back to the basics. Re-learn the framework for your entire sales process. From cold calling to nurturing leads to making the final sale, take the time to understand the process from start to finish. While you are doing that, it’s important to keep your days structured and limit distractions to ensure you are completing the work you set out for yourself each day.

P.S. – We have our own podcast that will get those creative juices flowing.

Don’t start from scratch

There is no need to start filling your pipeline from scratch – you’ve worked so hard to get it where it is today! Look back at your database or CRM to review the lead flows that you’ve been utilizing to see if you can change up an email or call script to better suit those leads based on the time of year of what is happening in the world. Find a way to relate to them.

You can also even reach out to those leads you’ve lost and see what route they decided to go and even why. Be clever with your email or call to them. That can help you remain focused on the benefits your product or service has over its competitors.

Handle those objections

This is where Abstrakt comes in. We don’t mean to toot our own horn, but our software is game-changing when it comes to objection handling. This is a huge factor when it comes to getting out of your slump or even avoiding it all together. You want to be able to do the following:

  • Anticipate objections
  • Don’t take it personally
  • Have an answer ready
  • Learn what has worked and what didn’t work
  • Be professional and polite

What if we told you that our software provides objection handling and has responses to a potential customer’s question ready in real-time as they say it – within seconds of them finishing their sentence? That means you get to focus more on building the relationship and showcasing your knowledge – and less worrying about what objection the person comes up with. We all know there will be pushback at some point!

Whether you are in sales or work in customer service, if you or your team needs help with call coaching software to help you get out of a sales slump, but that handles objections like a pro or even just needs call transcripts within seconds after the call is over, send us a message.

We promise that real-time is so much better than being reactive, and if you dare – give us 30 minutes to show you why.