Sales Coaching Platform
With many companies adopting work from home technologies including video conferencing, coaching has become more than just listening to your reps speak over the phone ….. We are going to dive into a few critical components of your sales coaching tech stack to see if it is doing everything it can to fulfill your team’s…
3 Reasons You Need Sales Call Intelligence Software
A standard salesperson is going to change what they say a little bit on every call. But if you’re anything like me you probably say something pretty close on most standard calls. Your top performers are likely more consistent than your low performers. Sometimes top performers change things up a little bit and their performance…
How to Run a Sales Call Utilizing Sales Call Intelligence
Some of the top sales call intelligence software companies today are adding components of AI and advanced analytics to speed the process of learning. But, some of the most advanced companies are actually prompting reps with structure in real-time. Spoil alert, one of those companies is Abstrakt. Here are three best practices when it comes…
The Takeaway
They’ve done studies you know, 60% of the time, it works every time! Actually, when sales leaders review calls and demos in their real-time call coaching platform, they find that the takeaway actually works closer to 100% of the time. When tools like Abstrakt are deployed, and recognize objections or pick up decent, recommended responses…
A Conversation Intelligence Platform is only ⅓ of the Conversational Intelligence Puzzle
Just like real life, it probably won’t always go to plan, so we have contingency plans pop up when something goes sideways. For example, we were not planning on a competitor coming up, but when it happens, there are immediate sales call frameworks with helpful bullets on how to handle the call. Because of this,…
Act Bigger Than You Are
Don’t be afraid to be yourself, don’t be intimidated by those around you, act like you already have made it, dress for the job you want, not the one you have; the list could go on and on. This brief moment in time captures a lot of different meanings, similar to how call intelligence platforms…
Why your reps don’t need cold calling scripts
Your reps don’t need cold calling scripts, your reps need call frameworks. Have you ever heard someone jump for joy when you say “here is a script” or worse, have you ever heard someone scripted and said, “Wow, now I really feel a connection to this rep”? Odds are you have not. So I would…
Top 9 Sales Books
It is often said that a book is the best way to enter the mind of someone who has spent more time researching and studying a particular field than you will ever have. This is because a book will provide you with information on the subject without any personal opinion or preference on the matter,…
How to Boost Your Bottom Line with Your Contact Center Software
The problem is that people are often a cost center, so companies tend to stretch them out to make sure they are using them as efficiently as possible …. We needed a way for our reps to see contact center-style scripting of how to handle ….
What is Conversation Intelligence
Let us first begin by quickly agreeing on what Conversation Intelligence is not, does that sound fair? Conversation Intelligence does not define a software category, nor does it describe a particular feature within a software product. Conversation Intelligence is not an outcome or report driven by something that happened in the past either.
Building World-Class Sales Reps Using Real-Time Call Intelligence
live sales coaching and truly live sales enablement is a must. Without either, you are wasting opportunities or at a minimum not giving them the same chance of success as your hard-earned leads. If given the opportunity, your salespeople will accelerate more quickly and “power up” in fewer repetitions of sales cycles with proven groundwork to…
Improving Sales Through Real-Time Call Intelligence
Sales leaders and reps today have a plethora of tools available to help them communicate with their customers, and we know it is important to …. What factors make Call Intelligence Software stand out? Why is it so different from some of the reactive, call analytics tools on the market today?